DewaPoker - Some Bad Advice - SUMADIJA PRESS

Saturday, 18 April 2020

DewaPoker - Some Bad Advice

This past week, I was playing in a tournament in Florida. I'd won at the first tournament of the year, and I was playing in the second one, again against all the best pros. During the first game, one of my buddies behind me said, "This is actually pretty good!"
"Is it?" I asked. He said, "Yeah, like a 64, right?" And I was, like, no way!
So we're about to play, and he has a card in his hand, and he's holding three cards in his hand, and he is looking at me. My first thought was, "Wow, this guy is holding up the table. Is he holding up his card?" I didn't really know. After that first game, he started calling on me more and now, it seems that he wins quite a bit.

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The next turn, and I'm about to sit down on the flop, he calls me again. He says, "I'm holding two cards in my hand, why don't you call now?"
I looked over and I'm looking at him with a four-card to a flush. I said, "Is that true?" He looks over at me and says, "Yea, that's a perfect hand!" And I'm thinking, "Wow, that's some super aggressive talk there." Then he goes on to tell me how his mate-in-3 situation was the only hand he ever played wrong and he still won that hand, and it's a full house.
It was very strange how that happened in a dewapoker game, because we were trying to figure out how to make the best play. It also turns out that he was holding a bluff, and when I noticed that he was holding two of a kind, I told him to show me his cards and he refused to do it. To be fair, I did have two pair, and he was holding three pairs too, so I wasn't playing tight, but that's a problem in DewaPoker.
I felt very impressed that he was holding out until the final score came out. We didn't know each other very well at all, but he knew what to do. And that's what it comes down to - knowing what to do. And he also knows what to say.
Poker is, and always will be, a skill game. That's the beauty of it. It's the best sport I've ever played, and I'm still learning how to get better.

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